Monday, 15 November 2010

Character Advanced Designing

Today I put my characters onto computer and edited it in Illustrator. This was a fun learning curve for me because to draw them properly I took out a graphics tablet. I have never used them before and therefore I had to do a lot of trial and error to get my characters the way I wanted them. Today I really got into the flow of things and got a lot of designing done that I thought would take me a few days.  During today’s design session I took a template of a man. And took it into illustrator I then took the image of my character from my story boards then using the graphics tablet and the black paint I started to change the template into the character I wanted.

However this template was stuck in the same position and I wasn’t able to get a different due to the fact its wouldn’t be the same body shape, therefore using the pen tool I drew round bits of the template that I wanted and copied then out of the picture that way I made sections of the man. I used these to then change the template using basic rubber and paste tools into the different positions that I needed some of the changing process took awhile but I feel that making the templates of each position I could now work faster to create different positions if needed.

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